We know how daunting it can be to start learning another language and we’ve designed our curriculum to make studying French in Paris an enriching and enjoyable experience. Our language programs are designed, so that you can apply your speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing classroom learning to your daily Parisian life. All language classes are supplemented by a lively multimedia program, regular excursions around Paris, exhibitions, and themed evenings organized by the department. We want to make sure that you stay actively involved in the learning process, whether by sharing your experiences with international students or contributing articles to our departmental blog. Furthermore, our expertise in teaching French as a foreign language and our commitment to dynamic, multifaceted teaching methods extend to instruction in languages like Arabic and Italian. Ultimately, our goal is to help you gain a thorough linguistic grounding as you take full advantage of this vibrant, multicultural city.


This department has no major.
