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Professor Emeritus of Political Science
  • Member: World Association of International Studies, founded at Stanford University;
  • Member Advisory Boards: New Policy Forum (Mikhail Gorbachev); Cicero Foundation: Paris/ Maastricht; Journal, Géostratégiques; Online Bibliography, Oxford University Press; Other News: Voices Against the Tide; Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies

Hall Gardner is an international relations theorist, editorialist, TV commentator, poet and novelist. His many books on global politics, including Toward an Alternative Transatlantic Strategy (2021) in French and English; IR Theory, Historical Analogy and Major Power War (2019); Crimea, Global Rivalry and the Vengeance of History (2015); NATO Expansion and the U.S. Strategy in Asia (2013); and American Global Strategy and the “War on Terrorism” (2005), blend a historical and theoretical approach with contemporary international affairs, concentrating on questions involving NATO and European Union enlargement, the collapse of the Soviet Union and its impact upon China and Eurasia in general, as well as the global ramifications of the “war on terrorism.”

His book World War Trump (2018) forewarned of Trump’s January 6, 2021 coup attempt. His book, The Failure to Prevent World War I, explored the causes of the so-called “War to End all Wars” form the French perspective. His first books, Surviving the Millennium (1994) and Dangerous Crossroads (1997) both forewarned of a dangerous Russian backlash, war with Ukraine, and the possibility of major power war if the U.S., NATO, and the European Union could not implement a new system of European Security that incorporated Russian security concerns. His later books Averting Global War (2007) outlined a strategy to prevent major power war, as have World War Trump and Toward an Alternative Transatlantic Strategy.

His editorials have appeared in the L.A. Times, The Hill, Other News, Open Democracy, among many others. He has been interviewed by Japanese Public Television (NHK): Global Debate Wisdom; Associated Press (AP), FRANCE 24, Deutsche Welle, Al Jazeera, Reuters, Radio France International (RFI), Bloomberg News, RFO “Toutes les France,” Voice of Russia, Russia Today, VOA-China, VOA-Iran, C-NBC TV News, BBC World News (radio), MacClean’s (Canada), Izvestia, O Globo (Brazil), Agence France Press, and EuroNews, among others. 

Gardner’s poems have been published in numerous anthologies, such as The Peace or Perish Crisis Anthology, Fire Readings, and the Paris Atlantic. His poem Vincent’s Room, and its translation into French, was chosen for National Translation Month (September 2021). His book of poems, The Wake-Up Blast (2008), represents 30 years of poetic protest. His first novel, Year of the Earth Serpent Changing Colors — that explores the social and geopolitical transformations taking place in China and the world at the time of the Chinese democracy and freedom movement in the Spring 1989 — is to be published in late January 2023.


  • IR Theory, Historical Analogy and Major Power War (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2019).     
  • World War Trump: The Risks of America’s New Nationalism (New York: Prometheus Books, 2018)
  • Crimea, Global Rivalry and the Vengeance of History (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2015).
  • The Failure to Prevent World War I: The Unexpected Armageddon (London: Ashgate, 2015).
  • NATO Expansion and the U.S. Strategy in Asia: Surmounting the Global Crisis (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan 2013).         
  • The Ashgate Research Companion to War: Origins and Prevention, primary editor with co-editor Oleg Kobtzeff
  • Averting Global War: Regional Challenges, Overextension and Options for American Strategy (New York: Palgrave, 2007). Paperback version April 2010
  • American Global Strategy and the War on Terrorism (London: Ashgate, 2005; revised and updated, 2007).
  • Alliance of Democracies or Euro-Atlantic Confederation? Toward an Alternative System of Global and Inter-Regional Governance, American University of Sharjah (March 4, 2013,
  • “Reshaping the West - What Values and What Architectures for a Secure World” Ambassadors to the Court of St. James’s, Civitatis International, “Reshaping the West Policy” Seminar (5 February 2013). 
  • “The American Pivot toward the Asia-Pacific,” 24th annual CIOR (NATO Reservists) Seminar “NATO’S Challenges Following the Chicago Summit” Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), Schloss Eichholz, Wesseling, Germany (January 29, 2013).
  • “Beyond the Crisis in NATO-Russian relations” Shadow NATO Summit sponsored by BASIC; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; NATO Watch; and Strategy International at The Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University (Washington, DC; May 14-15, 2012)
  • The Future of American Foreign Policy: Neo-Conservatism or Neo-Isolationism? invited by the Munich Foreign Affairs Association in cooperation with the Bavarian-American Center, Amerika Haus, Munich (April 23, 2012).
  • “Resetting NATO-Russian Relations” Keynote Address, NATO'S Partnerships – The Oberammergau Symposium, NATO School (19-20 January 2011) Oberammergau, Germany, invited by NATO Assistant Secretary General Dirk Brengelmann
  • "Toward a New Strategic Vision for the Euro-Atlantic" NATO Shadow Summit, “Civil Society Perspectives on the Lisbon Summit and NATO’s New Strategic Concept” (Brussels, November 16, 2010)
  • "International Perspectives on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Post-Apartheid South Africa" at the conference History, Memory and Rapprochement of Cultures, held at UNESCO in Paris, 26 May 2010.
  • Obama's Foreign Policy: Surmounting Nightmarish Scenarios? Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Mannheim (April 22, 2010)
  • France’s Return to NATO’s Command- With Vital Interests in the Gulf, with the French Ambassador to Kuwait, Mr. Jean-René Gehan, Kuwait University (March 1, 2010)
  • “NATO: Toward a New Strategic Vision” Conference: NATO in an Unbalanced World: An Evaluation of NATO’s Readjustments and Transformation, Schloss Eichholz, Wesseling, Germany, 3 February 2010
  • La Politique Étrangère Américaine, Actualité et Avernir Democraties, Palais du Luxembourg, 10 Octobre 2009.
  • NATO, the EU and the Struggle Against Violent Extremism, NATO School, Oberammergau, 9 February 2010
  • Keynote address, Regional Security Communities and the Insecurity-Security Dialectic, Conflict Research Society and Conflict Analysis Research Centre, Kent University, Canterbury, UK, September 2009
  • Obama’s Security Policy, Institut des hautes études de défense nationale, Ecole Militaire June 2009
  • Toward a Euro-Atlantic Confederation (A Proposal for Kant, Hugo and Tolstoy to shake hands in   Kaliningrad, Paris, and Sebastopol), EastWest Institute, Brussels, on June 23, 2009
  • Obama’s Foreign Policy Options, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, November 2008
  • From Clash to Concert of Civilizations, Aspen Institute (Paris Conference), November 2008
  • “Strategic Dilemmas of Human Rights Policy,” World Political Forum, November 2008.
  • Ph.D., 1987. Johns Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington D.C. Field: International Relations-Global Theory and History. Area Studies: Theories of Empire, European Politics and Economy, Soviet Foreign & Domestic Policy (Ph.D. Thesis Advisor: George Liska). SAIS Work-Study Scholarship. Honors: European History Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam.
  • M.A. 1982. Johns Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington, D.C. Field: International Relations-Global Theory and History.
  • B.A. Colgate University 1977

Hall Gardner just published in The National Interest--

“Pandemic Pressure: The Coronavirus Is Antagonizing America’s Relationships” The National Interest (June 1, 2020), (the article will be published in French shortly

Recent Essays and Poetry:

Hall Gardner's latest book, Crimea, Global Rivalry, and the Vengeance of History has just been published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Hall Gardner's book, The Failure to Prevent World War I: The Unexpected Armageddon was just published by Ashgate.

In September 2014, Hall Gardner engaged in Track II Diplomacy in Glion, Switzerland; discussions, involving government officials and academics from China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the US, were organized by the Geneva Center for Security Policy.

His interview on conflict in the Far East appeared on the GCSP website.

In September, Gardner likewise participated in the New Policy Forum in combination the EPIC Congress, where he spoke on crisis in US-European-Russian relations.

In October, he took AUP students to Corsica where they met with the Mayor of Bastia, Gilles Simeoni, among other Corsican political leaders, in addition to hearing a lecture at the University of Corsica Pascal Paoli on Corsican nationalism and the quest for autonomy.

In November, he took AUP students to Washington DC where students visited differing think tanks, including Brookings, The Cato Institute, CSIS, Institute for Communitarian Studies, Institute for Policy Studies, the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Kennan Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, among many other activities. Students heard Former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski speak on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, among other major American officials and foreign policy experts. They also met with Susan Eisenhower at the Eisenhower Institute in DC.

Gardner was also invited by Mikhail Gorbachev to speak with the New Policy Forum in Berlin on the 25th annivesary of the razing of the Berlin Wall. As he could not speak in Berlin due to the prescheduled AUP study trip to think tanks in Washington DC, he wrote the following commentary.

In late December, he was interviewed by Associated Press,  RT, and Bloomberg on French domestic politics. He was also interviewed by  Japanese public TV, NHK, on the show Global Wisdom: “A Tumultuous 2014: Seeking for a New World Order”. The rest of the Global Wisdom interviews are available here and here.

In January he was interviewed by Bloomberg TV, BBC radio (twice), Al Jazeera Arabic (top of the news, twice) and RT on the Charlie Hebdo assassinations.

  • World War Trump: The Risks of America's New Nationalism (Prometheus Books, March 2018).
  • Crimea, Global Rivalry, and the Vengeance of History (Palgrave: New York, 2015)
  • NATO Expansion and US Strategy in Asia (Palgrave: New York, 2013, forthcoming)
  • The Ashgate Research Companion to War: Origins and Prevention, primary editor with Oleg Kobtzeff (Ashgate: February 2012). Contributed chapters: ‘General Introduction’; ‘Alienation and the Causes and Prevention of War’; ‘The Failure to Prevent World War I’; ‘Reflections on Polemology: Breaking the long cycles of wars of initial challenge and wars of revanche.’, General Introduction: Polemology,
  • Averting Global War: Regional Challenges, Overextension, and Options for American Strategy (New York: Palgrave, 2007). Paperback version April 2010. Reviewed: Politique Américaine, No 10, Spring 2008.
  • American Global Strategy and the War on Terrorism (Ashgate, 2005; revised and updated, 2007). Reviewed: “Strategic Horizons” The National Interest (Spring 2006); The International Spectator, no. 4, Oct. - Dec. 2005; Choice.
  • NATO and the European Union: New World New Europe New Threats (Ashgate, 2004), Editor and Contributor: Preface; Introduction; Chapter 2: “From Balance to Imbalance of Terror,” Chapter 8: “Toward New Euro-Atlantic, Euro-Mediterranean Security Communities”; Chapter 16: “Preclusive War with Iraq: Regional and Global Ramifications.”
  • The New Transatlantic Agenda: Facing the Challenges of Global Governance, Ashgate, 2001. Hall Gardner and Radoslava Stefanova, eds. Reviewed in Études internationals. Contributor: Chapter 9, “Russia and China: The Risks of Uncoordinated Transatlantic Strategies” and “Conclusion.”
  • Central and Southeastern Europe in Transition: Perspectives on Success and Failure Since 1989 (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, March 1999). General editor and contributor, “Chapter 10: The Genesis of NATO Enlargement and of War ‘over’ Kosovo,” March 2000. Chapter 10 was selected as “one of the best books or articles on NATO enlargement” (out of 16 selected) by Questia librarians. (accessed 12 Aug 2006).
  • Dangerous Crossroads: Europe, Russia, and the Future of NATO (Praeger, 1997). Reviewed in Choice, Russian Review and the Slavic Review. Chapter 9 “Critique of Three Approaches to NATO Enlargement” was selected as one of the “best books or articles on NATO enlargement” (out of 16 selected) by Questia. (accessed 12 Aug 2006).
  • Surviving the Millennium: American Global Strategy, the Collapse of the Soviet Empire and the Question of Peace (Praeger, 1994). Obtained Lounsbery grant. Reviewed in Foreign Affairs and Slavic Review.
  • The Wake UP Blast (poems)
Articles and Book Chapters

Based on his book, The Failure to Prevent World War I: The Unexpected Armageddon (Ashgate 2015) Gardner has published a number of blogs on the origins of World War I on the website of the World Association of International Studies (WAIS). These include:

In addition, Gardner has made a number of comments on NATO on the WAIS website.

  • International relations
  • World Politics
  • European security: NATO-Russia relations
  • IR theory
  • Origins and Prevention of War
  • Conflict management resolution
  • Politics, society and poetry
  • Global War on Terrorism
Eligible Thesis Advisor
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