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G-3/4 floor
Office Hours
Mondays 16:00 or by appointment
Assistant Professor

Doctor of Philosophy (CRAL/EHESS)

Aziz, F. (2021). Shamelessly cute. Understanding gender ambiguous identity performances via “The Desi Bombshell” Snapchat video selfies. First Monday.

Aziz, F. (2018). Performing as a Transgressive Authentic Microcelebrity'. Microcelebrity Around the Globe. Emerald Publishing Limited, 131-143.

Aziz, F. (2017). Performing citizenship: Freedom march selfies by Pakistani instagrammers. In Selfie Citizenship (pp. 21-28). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Aziz, F. (2015). Personal images in Social Networks: A case study on Facebook. In Giovanni B. Artieri (ed.), Gli effeti sociali del web. Forme della communicazione e metodologie della ricerca online, FrancoAngeli.

Aziz, F. (2014). Transactions visuelles. Facebook, ressource de la rencontre amoureuse. Études photographiques, (31).

Aziz, F. (2012). Memes and the profile avatar: online rituals of solidarity and activism. Culture Visuelle.


Her research is based in visual culture and digital ethnography, with a particular focus on social media and its impact on identity civil liberties and collective action.

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