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Professor, Program Director, MSc in Human Rights and Data Science

For more information, please see Prof. Roda's personal website.

Claudia Roda is Professor of Computer Science and Global Communication, and the co-founder of the Technology and Cognition Lab and the Working Group on Human Rights and Digital Technology at The American University of Paris.

Professor Roda’s research, which has been widely published and sponsored by several organizations including the European Commission and the Andrew Mellon Foundation, focuses on the impact of digital technology on human behaviour and social structure. Professor Roda has explored theoretical and applied models for attention computing and her current research evolves from her earlier work on the design, implementation, and validation of multi-agent systems supporting cognitive and social processes for learning and collaboration. In 2007 she received the AUP's Board of Trustee Award for Outstanding Research and Publications.

After a bachelor degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, she obtained a Master and PhD from the University of London, where she also worked at the first EU-sponsored research project on multi-agent systems. She continued her research in this field as a Senior Research Fellow at INSEAD in the Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies. In 1997 she joined the AUP where she teaches courses in programming languages, human-computer interaction, and human rights and digital technology. She was Director of the Division of Arts and Science from 2008 to 2011, Director of the collaboration between The American University of Paris and The New School (NY, USA) from 2010 to 2013, and Dean of Assessment, Learning and Institutional Research from 2015 to 2018.

  • BS, Università di Pisa, Italy
  • MS, PhD, University of London, UK
  • TEDxLaPosteBSCC Matière(s), talk on Attention, numérique, et dématérialisation. 1.4.2019
  • Roda Claudia, Natalie Heisler, and Nicole Santiago. “Submission to the UN Human Rights Business and Human Rights in Technology Project (B-Tech). Comments on Draft Scoping Paper for Consultation on Applying the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to Digital Technologies,” 2019.
  • Roda Claudia, Susan Perry, Nicole Santiago, and Annika Johnson. Submission to the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council. Comments on New and Emerging Digital Technologies and Human Rights. October 2019
  • Interview: Le design de l'attention (digitalsocietyforum) 26.11.2015
  • On BBC-World The Forum: about interruptions - Jan 2015
  • Interview with CBC radio, Spark  – Attentive Computing – June 2012
  • Submission to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child  - General Comment on the Rights of the Child and the Business Sector. With S. Perry and K. Carlson, August 2012
  • Social Media Week Education and Privacy – February 10th 2011
  • Interview with Radio France International  in connection with a feature on “Smartphones: Changing the way we communicate” - December 23rd 2008
  • Regular reviewer for ACM Computing Reviews  (since 2004).

Roda, C. “Are We at the Helm?” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies. Anne-Marie Picard and Roger Célestin (Ed.) Special Issue The Google Era? /L’ère Google? forthcoming (2020). 2019


Human-Rights-in-Digital-Technology.jpgDoyle, W., Roda C. (2019). Communication in the Era of Attention Scarcity. Palgrave Macmillan UK




Human-Rights-in-Digital-Technology.jpgPerry, S., Roda C. (2017). Human Rights and Digital Technology: Digital Tightrope. Palgrave Macmillan UK



Human attention in a digital environment coverRoda C. (2011). Human Attention in Digital Environments. Cambridge University Press




Attention aware systems coverRoda C. and Thomas J. (2006). Special issue on Attention Aware Systems. Computers in Human Behavior. Volume 22, Issue 4



  • Perry, S., Roda C. (2015). Valuing Privacy through Privacy by Design. In proceedings Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015


  • Roda C. (2014). Économiser l’attention dans l’interaction homme-machine. In Yves Citton (Ed) "L'économie de l'attention : Nouvel horizon du capitalisme?" La Découverte, Paris p. 179 - [manuscript pdf]
  • Perry, S., Roda, C. Teaching Privacy by Design to Non-Technical Audiences. Cyber Security and Privacy (CSP) Forum 2014. Springer CCIS series, forthcoming
  • Roda, C., Perry, S. (2014) Mobile Phone Infrastructure Regulation in Europe: Scientific Challenges and Human Rights Protection. Environmental Science and Policy 37(2014) 204-214 - [manuscript pdf] 
  • Roda C., Orozco F. (2014) Privacy and unintended consequences of online narrative (Abstract) Narrative Matters: Narrative Knowing / Récit et savoir; 23 to 27 June 2014 - University Paris Diderot, France
  • Roda C. (2014) What’s mine in my images? A tour of the use and misuse of photographic images online (Abstract) “Image not Available”: Networked Visuality and Its Limits, International conference; 10 May 2014 Paris
  • Perry S., Roda C. (2013) Conceptualizing and Contextualizing the Changing Nature of Internet Usage in China. China and the New Internet World: The Eleventh Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC11) - Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, 15th June 2013
  • Roda C., Stojanov G., Kianfar D. (2013) Effects of Task Switching on Creativity Tests. Proceedings AAAI Spring Symposium 2013: Creativity and (Early) Cognitive Development. Stanford University, Stanford, California [pdf]
  • Lee H., Young T., Roda C. (2013) E-Books Usability: Reading Time and Comprehension (Abstract). The Tablet Symposium: Examining New Media Objects - University of Sussex, 10th April 2013 [pdf]
2000 and earlier
  • C.Roda "A multi-agent system for advising and monitoring students navigating instructional Web sites" in Proc. 4th World Multiconference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2000) and 6th International Conference of Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2000) - Special session on Cooperative and Distant learning. July 2000, Orlando Florida Vol.1 pp.505-509
  • C. Roda "Review of: "Software Agents" Jeffrey M. Bradshaw Editor AAAI Press / The MIT Press" in The Knowledge Engineering Review 14(2), pp.181-185 Cambridge University Press 1999
  • T. Wittig Editor "Archon, an architecture for multi-agent systems" Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence 1992. (Contributor)
  • C. Roda, N.Jennings, E.H. Mamdani. "The Impact of Heterogeneity on Cooperating Agents" (postscipt) Proc. AAAI Workshop on Cooperation Among Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems, Anaheim, CA, July 1991.
  • C. Roda et. Al."The Cooperation Framework of ESPRIT Project ARCHON", Proc. Fourth RACE TMN Conference, Dublin, Ireland, November 1990. pp. 144-153
  • C. Roda, N. Jennings, E.H. Mamdani, "A Cooperation Framework for Industrial Process Control", in Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems 1990, S.M. Deen Editor. Springer Verlag Publ, London 1991.pp. 95-109
  • F. Mariani, C. Roda, G. Valeriani, "Integrazione di Basi di Conoscenza e di Dati in Ambito Fianziario" (Knowledge Base and Data Base Integration in a Financial System), Sistemi & Impresa, Este Publ, Milano, N.312, May 1990. pp. 562-566.
  • F. Mariani, F. Pianesi, C. Roda, G. Valeriani, "CR.E.S. Credit Granting Expert System: un Sistema Esperto per la Consulenza Al Credito" (CR.E.S. Credit Granting Expert System: an Expert System Adviser for Credit Granting), Proc Third National Congress on Logic Programming, Italy,.1988.
  • C. Roda, "Scienze dell' Informazione e scuola dell'obbligo" (Computer Science in Primary Schools), Insieme, Italy, N.5/6, 1984
  • C. Roda, "Inserimento dell' Informatica nella Scuola" (Using Computer Science in Primary Schools), Part 1: Insieme N.1/2, Part 2: "Insieme" N.3/4, Italy, 1984
For more information please see Prof. Roda's personal page.
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