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Assistant Professor of History & Politics
  • 2022 Ph.D., History, Northwestern University 
    • Dissertation: "Remapping Namaqualand: Negotiating Ethnicity and Territoriality in a Southern African Borderland, J8Ih_2]'1 centuries." June 2022 defense. 
    • Major Exam Field': African History 
    • Minor Exam Field: Comparative Colonialisms and Empire 
  • 2016 M.A., History, Northwestern University 
  • 2014 M.A.-M.Sc., International and World History, Columbia University and the London 
    • School of Economics dual degree program. First Class Honours with Distinction. Awarded Richard Hofttadter Dissertation Prize for the best master's thesis in program cohort. 
  • 2012 B.A., German Studies and Art History, magna cum laude, Columbia University 
Eligible Thesis Advisor
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