Major Overview

We will provide you with a combination of digitally-oriented, hands-on training, and a solid, intellectual grounding in theories and issues related to journalism, media, and communications. You will be trained in all aspects of journalism, including news gathering, reporting basics, magazine design and production, television news and video production, and digital journalism. You will acquire a necessary familiarity with digital tools in production, design, and editing and develop professional-level skills in the writing and editing of articles for a news site, producing video for television and websites, and managing a print and online magazine, all working together under a common brand, in a single newsroom setting. 


The educational goals for this major are as follows:

  • Knowledge: you will understand journalism's relationship to society, power, politics and the international stage; its historical role and its current evolution in a shifting media landscape.       
  • Analysis: you will be able to analyze works of journalism within their historical, geographical, and generic contexts on the basis of responsible and informed awareness of cultural diversity.
  • Research: you will know how to research, sift and prioritize information, and evaluate source credibility.
  • Practice: you will know how to craft a news story that is correct, clear, concise and fit for multimedia distribution. You will know how to work to a deadline.                       
  • Production: you will have familiarity with digital tools in editing, production and will have professional-level skills in developing articles for a news site, producing video and managing a print and online magazine.                           
  • Collaboration: you will have developed an ethical and responsible journalistic practice, and will have learnt to collaborate with others towards common goals.   

Learning Environment

Our student media resources will allow you to take part in workshops that concentrate on a multi-platform approach to journalism production, while courses in social media, fashion journalism, media economics, and media law and ethics will add invaluable resources to your exploration of journalism. Your courses will be taught by seasoned journalists with experience at major international media outlets, as well as digital practitioners and scholars with longstanding teaching experience in media and communications. You will also have access to a state-of-the-art newsroom and video production studio  in our new Thamer Salman Student Media Center. 

Major Components
Build Your Degree

With every single one of our majors, you’ll find a carefully curated medley of core courses and electives, which will provide you with the tools you need to establish an unshakeable foundation in the principles and concepts fundamental to your growth within your disciplines of choice. Many majors also enable you to specialize further within the broader area of study.

Core Courses

Core Courses

We aim to help you develop a range of skills, capacities, and modes of inquiry that will be crucial for your future since employers and graduate schools are looking for the critical thinking and innovative problem-solving skills that are associated with a liberal arts education, including sophisticated writing abilities, willingness to pose difficult questions, and an understanding of the historical and cultural contexts surrounding a topic or decision.  The workshop requirement will also provide practical hands-on experience that will help you refine your professional interests.

Scroll to Core Courses



Choose 16 credits among the electives suggested for the major and find yourself with a solid foundation in areas of study that will prove crucial to your future endeavors within journalism.  

Note: The workshops need to be listed as part of the core courses, but with the caveat of select 2 from the four

See all Major Electives 

Core Courses

The Journalism core courses, which you must take as part of the major requirements, will provide you with the tools you’ll need to ground your present and future studies. Your introduction to the fundamentals of Journalism will help pave the way for your successful completion of other Journalism courses.
